Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hide Ya Kids, Hide Ya Wife..... Hide the IGNORANCE

On a crisp autumn evening a few weeks ago I was at home watching the BET Hip Hop Awards when all of a sudden and to my surprise a 20-something male with a red bandanna began singing (in auto-tune the sound track of ignorance mind you),"Hide ya kids, hide ya wife, hide ya husband toooo."
 "What the Hell!" I said to myself under my breath as I looked to me left and my hubby was giggling with amusement. As the madness continued I just shook my head as the "Poindexter" white boy at the keyboard ended this dreadful prelude with a solo. I had to crack open my laptop to find out who and what the heck I just watched.

Pic from Google

For those of you who were under the rock with me his name is Antoine Dodson. The background behind this display is that his sister was attacked by a would be rapist in their apartment. To make a short story even shorter, the local media came out and interviewed Dodson and his sister and what I had just witnessed was a mockery of that interview. As funny as it may be, what would normally be taken as a serious situation just turned into an ignorant display of jackassism (yea I made that word up).

In all fairness Antoine was serious during the interview but, once folks began to chuckle Antoine said "screw this" and began singing and dancing around on TV like a modern day "Bojangles". Therefore the seriousness of the interview got shot to shit  and now he's a You-Tube sensation (wth?!) If Antoine would have done his song and dance and afterward immediately addressed the seriousness of rape and home invasions, it probably would of made his 5 mins more meaningful. So in the long run ignorance is bliss homey thanks for the laughs!
Run and tell that, run and tell that!   -D 

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